Are you new to commissioning and don't know what to do? 
Here are some steps to help you know what to expect.

Step 1: Have a Design

You need a reference sheet if you have a particular design in mind for a custom character you want to be made. I require a reference sheet with every aspect of your character (i.e., species, clear markings, and traits). References made with free line art are acceptable as long as the line art is credited. I prefer at least two views to show the front and back of your character, close-ups of any detailed markings, and a labeled color palette to be clear about which colors you want for each part is always welcome.  

No reference? No problem! I can draw a reference, either from your description or my artistic liberty, for a fee to be included with the cost of the fursuit.

Below is an example of an acceptable reference sheet. The markings and shapes are clear, the colors are laid out, and the species and gender is included.


Step 2: Check Prices

It is always best to have a budget before making a large purchase, like a full fursuit. If you are unsure of your finances, it is safe to hold off and commission at a later date or work on saving up. I accept payment plans ($350 a month minimum after a 30% retainer fee), and you can find base prices listed here. All prices are in USD. You can use the basic pricing to get a good example of how much your suit would cost. Extra features and detailed markings can add to the base price, and shipping is a separate charge when budgeting for your fursuit. 


Step 3: Look at Examples

Next, you can check out my gallery to ensure my style is what you are looking for.  Please note that I do not copy other artists' styles, so if you want a suit in the style of another maker, consider commissioning them instead. 


Step 4: Read my Terms of Service (TOS)

You can find my TOS here. My TOS is a set of guidelines I have put in place to provide you with information and to protect both of us should the transaction go sour. My TOS is non-negotiable, and you accept all terms if you commission Golden Maw.


Step 5: Open for Commissions?

I have recently discontinued my mailing list and am now accepting commissions on a case-by-case basis when I am interested and open to new projects. On the sidebar to the left, you will find my work queue on Trello. I will only accept new work when I have four or fewer projects in total, so please try not to ask me about getting in line unless I have a smaller workload.


Step 6: Getting Accepted or Rejected

When accepting commissions, I will either accept your commission on the spot and give you a quote or tell you that your project isn’t right for me. If your commission is accepted, you will be expected to pay the 30% retainer upfront and be put on my work queue immediately after it is paid. Any payment plans would also be discussed at this point.


Step 7: Payments and Patiently Waiting

Once you have been accepted, paying the 30% retainer fee will put you on my work queue. I usually work in a mixed order of most paid off and first come, first served unless a rush fee is paid. My average wait time for a full fursuit with a full queue is 12 months from payment to completion (may vary depending on workload and details). There is little contact during this step, but I will send monthly reminders if you are on a payment plan. I will also let you know when materials come in and provide pictures if requested. I am around to answer any questions, and if you want anything added to your suit, this is the time to let me know. Usually, a month before I start on your commission, I will send measurement and DTD instructions if needed. You can check out my measurement instructions and DTD requirements ahead of time if you would like. I will also provide a Trello link to all commissioners so they can keep an eye on their spot in line.


Step 8: Working on your suit

Once you are up in line, paid at least 50%, and have your measurements/DTD in, I will start on your suit! You are expected to be easy to contact during this step because I may ask many questions to be as clear as possible on specific aspects of construction and your character. Once construction starts, you can expect steady WIPs unless I've stated I'll be away from my workplace. 


Step 9: Finishing up

Once I have completed your suit, I will take official pictures of it, post them to all my media sites, and send you a link to the photographs or collage. Of course, the suit must be completely paid off before shipping. I will then get your address, pack the fursuit up, and send you the tracking number and an invoice for the shipping charges (I do not charge shipping until after the suit is shipped, so there is no over/undercharging). After that, it is just the wait until your fursuit is delivered!