Before you Start

  • You will need a friend or two to help you do this. Ideally, two friends work best, one to rip tape and one to place it on you. It would be best if they are close friends because when you get to cut out of the DTD, you will be left in your underwear.

  • You can hobble around a bit while you are being duct taped, but once your joints are taped, try your best not to move them, or it will stretch the tape. You will have to hold still towards the end of the process.

  • Make sure to wear underwear under your coveralls. Do not use a favorite pair since they might accidentally get cut.

  • Use the bathroom before you start and have water nearby, so you do not get dehydrated. Making a DTD can take a couple of hours.

  • It is smart to ensure you and your friends read through this tutorial carefully before beginning the DTD.

  • If you are claustrophobic or prone to anxiety/panic, make sure the people doing the DTD know this and can watch for warning signs.

Things you'll need

1. A pair of disposable painter's coveralls.
2. 4-6 Rolls of Duct tape.
3. A BLACK permanent marker to write on the duct tape with.
4. Trauma Shears are highly suggested to avoid cutting the skin while getting removed from the DTD.
5. If you cannot get Trauma shears then get rounded tip scissors and use a spoon to keep the scissors away from the skin while cutting.
6. Grocery bags or paper towels.
7. A fan or a cool room, being wrapped in the tape is going to get toasty.
8. Arm height items to rest the arms on. Brooms/mops or lamps work well. Your arms need to be almost straight out to the sides like a T-pose.


If you plan on following a different DTD tutorial, please make sure your DTD meets all of these guidelines

  • Do not use masking tape, packing tape, or gorilla tape.

  • Your friends should rip/cut the tape into 6-12" strips as it is applied.

  • Do not wrap the tape too tightly. This can cut off circulation and cause you to pass out. If your friends begin wrapping you tightly and it is uncomfortable, ask them to stop. Cut yourself out and start over. The tape should smoothly lay on your body. You do not want your DTD riding up your groin or constricting your shape.

  • The tape must be layered well to make a nice, thick, durable DTD. Your friends should tape over every part of you in at least three layers. There should be no gaps at all in the tape.

  • The tape is preferred to be applied in a "criss-cross" pattern to keep it from unraveling after use.

  • Taping at least one foot is REQUIRED.

  • Wearing disposable painter's coveralls is REQUIRED.


  • You need to clearly mark your belt line(for the tail), and DO NOT FORGET THE NOTCHES BEFORE YOU CUT THE DTD OFF. These help me to tape it back up quickly.

Please note that if something is wrong with your DTD, you will be asked to make and send another one, or you will be charged by the hour for any extra fiddling or repairs.
This includes forgetting to mark anything, not using enough tape, leaving gaps in the tape, and sending a dtd that is super smelly or covered in any bodily fluids(besides a little sweat)


When your DTD is done, you do not need to tape it back up. Just fold it up, pack it into a mailer envelope or small box and mail it to the address provided.


Step 1.
Put on your painter’s coveralls. Easy enough!
Again your arms should be up enough so that your friends can tape all the way into your armpits, almost a T-pose.


Step 2. 
Lift the arms and make an "X" shape across the chest and back to pull the coveralls into the armpits. Tape around the arms and torso to create this harness look.

The purpose of this is to make sure the coveralls do not shift and pull oddly, giving you "bat wings"

If you have breasts and want the suit to be tailored, you want the strip of tape across the chest to be placed at the underbust, so the breasts are not taped into one shape with the stomach.


Step 4.
Now that your top is secured, the arms can rest again.

Here, your friends need to start duct-taping your groin area. You can do the first couple of steps yourself if you are uncomfortable.

One piece of tape must go over the crotch from your belly to your butt. Make sure it is up high, but not uncomfortably so (you don't want a wedgie). It is alright if the coveralls pull up a bit.

You will then tape around each thigh (go under the butt cheeks in the back) and around the hip. Again, this creates a harness shape to ensure the coveralls do not shift.


Step 5.
Fill in the torso area but leave the shoulders loose until you are ready to tape the arms. 


Step 6. 
Tape down the legs; you can do them one at a time or work down both in equal amounts. Tape until you are at the end of the coveralls.


Step 7.
Wrap one foot in a plastic bag or paper towels to tape over it.


Step 8. 
Tape up the foot and down to the other ankle. If the coveralls have run up and don't reach the ankle you can use another plastic bag or paper towels.


Step 9. 
Now comes the hard part. 
Grab your arm-height objects to rest your hands on. Keeping your arms straight out, the rest of the torso can be filled in.


Step 10.
With the arms still resting in the up position, tape down both arms. Again, you can do them one at a time or both simultaneously.

Tape to the wrists, and if the coveralls are not long enough, use plastic bags or paper towels again and tape over them.


Step 11.

Now your friends can break out the black permanent marker.
First, mark on the back where the belt/tail line is with an X, the belt line is where your belt sits most comfortably and approximately where the top of your tail will sit.
(if you are getting an adult suit, please also mark approximately where those areas are)

NEXT: The will need to draw lines for where to cut you out.

1. One line from the neck down the chest, down the side of the leg, to the toes of the foot
2. On both arms from the wrist up to just above the elbow
3. From the ankle of the other leg up to just above the knee

Along the drawn lines, mark an "X" every 3-6 inches so they can be matched back up when the DTD is put back together.

Step 12.

You can finally cut the duct tape shell off when the marker has dried enough. This is where the metal spoon will come in handy. Use it to protect the skin from the scissors.

I find it is best to cut the arms out first, starting at each wrist and working your way to the elbow so the arms can be put down.

Then cut from the neck down the leg as far as you can; sometimes, it is easier to free the other leg first.

Once all seams are cut, you should be able to wiggle the duct tape off completely. Once you have slid it off and taken a breather, please write your name or your fursona’s name on the back.

Keep your arms up and move as little as possible while taped up, as it can distort the tape.